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Publish your music and start earning an income today!


We provide a fastrack and prioritised service to allow your tracks to be played on radio, published and synced on TV programming and advertisement. Our aim is to fast track artists, songwriters and catalogue owners with a publishing solution which is fair, efficient, transparent and easy to use. 


Dpz media world are subcontracted to an independent music publisher which is home to over 65,000 songwriters at all stages of their careers. Representing hundreds of thousands of songs worldwide on behalf of songwriters, music publishers and other catalogue owners.

Our teams are on hand to ensure that you can easily begin making the most value out of your songs. A transparent and efficient platform to maximise royalty collections. Our team represents music for synchronisation and licensing which provides songwriters and catalogue owners with thousands of sync placements each year, increasing the value in the songs and collecting the valuable royalties that are generated as a result of the placement. The worldwide collection network allows royalties to be collected domestically in the territory of exploitation which covers all of the major music markets throughout the world. Either by directly collecting royalties, or collecting royalties via our trusted partners, we ensure that the maximum amount of royalties are paid through at the earliest opportunity.


This award winning platform opens up a direct worldwide collection network to ensure that your songs are registered with performance rights, organizations (PRO's) which will result in royalties being paid efficiently into your account.


The service we are providing also gets your music in front of all your fans, no matter where they search for you: in record stores, on popular download and streaming sites (like iTunes, Amazon and Spotify), on YouTube, on your own website and Facebook page, and more!  Plus, help you collect publishing royalties and license your music for film and TV.


For music artists, producers and songwriters.


Pay now to be added to the database , submit your music and start collecting royalties. 

Once the payment has been made we will automatically transfer you to agent who will set you up with our partnering firm, you will be added to the database with ablitiy to submit your music. We will automatically contact you via email and send a package containing the required information to process your details you will be forwarded to an allocated agent who deals with you direct. 


So get uploading and get  your music royalties and exposure!


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