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Development Stages and Delivery


Dpz Media World will only start the development once the agreed deposit is received and contract signed or agreed with email. Dpz Media World will provide design revision to the client to be able to finalize the designed template at no extra charge. Once the design has been approved, an email from the client is required mentioning the design approval. The unlimited design revision period ends when the client accepts the design proposal and home page draft. Design changes beyond this point are subject to additional charges. Dpz Media World will convert the design to functional web format only after the approval email from the client received. The second payment will be due at this point.

Dpz Media World will work with inner page and get approval from the client. If there is any functional work involve, Dpz Media World will request client to test and email the feedback.

The client feedback will be taken care of as appropriate and with accordance to the development in an electronic format via email or in CD/DVD. The final delivery of the site will be made after fulfilling all the legitimate requirements. Extra charge will apply Once client is happy with the work Final payment is due before upload the site to the server.




Any development undertaken by Dpz Media World will have a service warranty of 30 days after the final delivery. The warranty includes small adjustments, functional problems & repair, moderate changes in the content, error reporting, Training and support where appropriate. Dpz Media World declares that, Dpz Media World have the ability to deliver the CLIENT with the requirements on which the agreement is bounded, therefore, if any part of the development do not function within the period of warranty, Dpz Media World without any obligation will agree to repair the affected part of the development. Any error report or changes will be chargeable at an hourly rate of £15.00/hour if not bounded by a maintenance contract.


Timeline of the Development and Payment schedule


The development would require an agreed time line from the date of deposit received. Dpz Media World will demonstrate the first design within 7 days from the date of deposit received. Client must provide the design feedback and instructions in writing or by email within 3 days from the design demonstration if any changes to take place or not. Any delay in providing feedback may also delay the delivery of the project, where Dpz Media World will not be liable.

Dpz Media World provides all projects completion dates based on the previous experience and on estimation. Dpz Media World will make every effort to meet the completion date, however, do not guarantee or bound to complete the project by the given date. The expected completion date which is provided by any employee of Dpz Media World is purely a timely estimate.

In such an event, where Dpz Media World is unable to deliver the site or the demonstration, the client will be notified in advance in email the reason of delay and when it will be delivered. However, a maximum of 14 days delay in delivery need to be acceptable by client.


Content & Graphical Materials


All the contextual and graphical materials provided by client must follow the copyright law. Dpz Media World will not be liable for any enforcement by third party for such contents provided by clients after the initial period of warranty. Dpz Media World may use test data and material to demonstrate website functions before uploading or during the website delivery, however, client on their own responsibility need to check for the copyright compliance for each materials and remove all test data. Dpz Media World may need to provide graphical contents during the design; however, the materials will be royalty free and should have no obligation to use in the main website pages.

After the handover of ownership, it is your responsibility to check and maintain if your website contains any copyright or licensed images, pictures or such licensed or copyright materials. Dpz Media World is not liable for any copyright violation during the design, testing and go live stage, including images provided by yourself and the in-house and 3rd party developer.

Dpz Media World reserves all rights to the accessability and development of the website until purchursed by client.




Dpz Media World  only accepts payment via: paypal, accepting all major debit or credit cards and cash. Dpz Media World  does not accept cheques



The client may cancel the service within first 28 days of the contract agreement by providing valid reason of cancelation electronically. This is a nonrefunable service  


Service limitation


Dpz Media World will not provide any template design and modification. If client wants Dpz Media World to alter the appearance of the web template or the application preference and functionality, both parties need to negotiate the financial issues prior to the commencement.


Termination of Agreement & Refund Policy


The customer at his/her sole decision may terminate the agreement. If the termination notice is received in writing within 7 days from the date of deposit received, the development will be stopped immediately. However, 50% of the deposit will be kept as cost of service. If termination notice is received later than 7 days and between the design demonstrations, the deposit will not be refunded. However the development will be stopped and the unfinished or raw work can be provided to the client if required. Any termination notice after the design demonstration will stop further development, however the payment in full need to be paid.

Dpz Media World may terminate the contract if client demands unlawful elements during the development or if client demands beyond agreed or being bullied by the client or any king of harassment both financially and technically by the client. Dpz Media World believes that, every problem can be solved with proper discussion and documentation. Therefore, all the requirement and instruction from the client must be in electronic format (email or word document). Dpz Media World may not accept verbal instruction. Any refund should follow the above-mentioned principle.




All property of the website belongs to Dpz Media World until the website rights and content fee is paid. Once the payment is cleared, the website is handed over to the client with all the rights. All the contents provided by the client have the rights to retain them if service is not terminated unexpectedly or under enforcement. Dpz Media World uses the branding in all developments and lists in Dpz Media World Portfolio. If client do not wish to display our branding, a fee of £250 is applicable to remove the branding.


Service & Maintenance (2.0)


Website service and maintenance are subject to service and maintenance agreement. Dpz Media World will not provide any support beyond the period of warranty if not bounded by service and maintenance contract. The service and maintenance are subject to service plan chosen by the client. Dpz Media World is liable to make the designated changes agreed per month. If there are no such changes need to be made for a month or several months, the regular payment must be made for the contractual period. The regular maintenance does not include design changes or template modification. However, Dpz Media World may provide service on a billing per update basis if agreed by the client those who are not bounded by a service contract and the changes, which are not covered by the service and maintenance agreement. The fixed general update charge would be a minimum of £50.00 per change and need to be paid in advance. The client must provide all instructions and contents by emails or in electronic format with proper instructions of the change. Any scanning or typing or word processing will be chargeable at an hourly rate of £20.00/Hour.

Security of the Website is the client’s responsibility. Virus and malicious software attack, hacking, data loss, site disappearance is a phenomenon cannot be predicted in advance, therefore Dpz Media World will not be held responsible for such an event. Dpz Media World will provide support in such an event if bounded by a valid service and maintenance agreement and for the hosted packages. However, the last kept backup will be uploaded to minimize the damage.

If you do not renew your domain and or hosting services on time then Dpz Media World will not be liable for any service and or loss of your website data. Unless you have any prior maintenance agreement with Dpz Media World, we will not keep any back up copy of your website after the handover period. Up to 30 days, the hosting services provider may keep a backup of your website and will release them once the due amount and any penalty fees are paid for. After 30 days all data will be terminated and lost and cannot be recovered.


Control Panel & FTP


Dpz Media World will provide all Control Panel login details and the FTP access details to the client for safe keeping once the payment is cleared. The website may be encrypted and restricted to the designated URL only. The renewal of the Domain and Hosting is client’s responsibility. Dpz Media World will notify the renewal dated for the Domain and Hosting if purchased from Flick Host or provided by Dpz Media World as part of agreement. The domain and hosting is renewable and the renewal amount needed must be paid by the client when incur. If client do not renew the domain and hosting, the website may be suspend by the service provider. In such an event, Dpz Media World will not be held responsible for website disappearance. Recovery of the website needs a service charge of £25.00 (need to be paid in advance) and the domain and/or hosting renewal must be made to recover the site within the period of provision of the service provider.


Search Engine Submission & Optimization


Search Engine Submission & Optimization is a different service which needs to be subscribed separately. However, Dpz Media World offers submission and promotional optimization for some packages for a limited period exclusively and for some packages in hosted services.


Third Party Expenses


Third party expenses such as SSL certification, Domain & Hosting (for licensed packages), Merchant account fee, third party website and application fee such as EBay, Amazon, Gum tree, PayPal, Google PPC etc are not included in any service of Dpz Media World. The client maintains third party expenses. Dpz Media World may offer assistance only if client authorizes Dpz Media World to maintain those expenses on behalf of them and the amount required to maintain the service is paid in advance to Dpz Media World.


Missing Payments


Dpz Media World have a high value for its clients. A single missing payment may be an incident, therefore, Dpz Media World will allow client 7 days period before suspending the service in case of a missing payment and liable for a daily charge. A demand note will be issued once the payment is missed for the client to take immediate action to pay the due amount. If no action is taken within the period of 7 days, Dpz Media World will suspend the service until the payment is received. If client do not take any action to make the payment, Dpz Media World may stop the service permanently and issue enforcement to recover the total contractual amount outstanding. However, resuming the service once suspended may incur a fee of £25.00 within the provisional period of 30 days of the missing payment.




Client must produce all instructions and notes for the website in electronic writing format as email and word files (attached in email). All support related issues must be emailed to Dpz Media World at the designated email address form clients’ registered email address with Dpz Media World. It is the Client’s responsibility to inform us of any change in E-mail address. We may not accept any work related instruction over the phone or in conversation. If work or change instruction is not provided in the above medium, Dpz Media World will not be liable in any case of changes and losses in business and development time.

Throughout the entire project development, it is client’s responsibility to keep correspondence and replies to Dpz Media World’s correspondence on time. If client do not contact Dpz Media World or respond to any of Dpz Media World’s attempts for 3 weeks, Dpz Media World will send up to 4 emails before terminate the project. The deposit and any other development cost will not be refunded in any case. If client returns at a later stage and wishes to continue with the project, it must be re negotiated with Dpz Media World and will charge minimum of £50.00 or more based on the situation and elapsed time from the day of termination.



Major Terms & Conditions: Prior Agreement


Before we undertake the responsibility of your project at Dpz Media World., there are certain (following) terms and conditions that we’ve set for the customers:-

  • The clients must not avail the services of any other company, when Dpz Media World. professionals are working on their website’s online marketing.

  • The clients must not avail any sort of online promotion service from any other company during the time when Flick Media experts are doing search engine optimization for their website.

  • The clients must not create any micro or duplicate sites, duplicate content or pages, redirects or doorway pages or any other platform to bring traffic to the site when online advertising professionals at Dpz Media World are working on their site.

  • The clients must not do any link exchange or site promotion activities that may lead to spamming, especially when Flick Media experts are implementing their fruitful site promotion activities.

  • Dpz Media World. is a professional and a reputed company and promises not to divulge your information with any other client, existing or potential.


Dpz Media World Hosting


After availing Dpz Media World. hosting services, the clients automatically agrees that their website is hosted on paid server space and no illegal measures have been taken to host a site for free.

During the time when Flick Media professionals will advertise your site online, in case our experts encounter any issues related to the current hosting IP address, then client have to take the requisite steps ASAP in that regard. And if not done as per requirement, the desired SEO results may not appear on Google.


Responsibility of the 3rd Party Fees


Until and unless anything is not specified regarding this in the agreement signed between Dpz Media World and the client, the clients have to take the responsibility of subscription costs, which is supposed to be paid in order to subscribe with the search engines.

If a registration fee is also necessitated during online advertising, then our experts will provide client’s URL to the search engine directories.

Unless a proper condition is not specified in this regard in the agreement, the client will have to bear these costs and these will not be a part of the Dpz Media World Search engine promotion package procured by the client.


Website Accessibility Authority


The clients are supposed to give the website accessibility authority to Flick Media webmasters who’ll be handling the tasks of search engine optimization on website owner’s behalf. Also, our SEO experts will be free to make all the changes in the website that are vital from optimization’s perspective and intended to be done just to extract the desired results for the site over Google.

Specific information, such as log-in information (FTP username and password) must be given to our SEO experts from client’s end. And we assure that the provided information will be kept confidential as our experts will be only using the same, whenever required. In case, if Flick Media experts find the website content irrelevant or not-keyword-rich, then clients have an option to get the site’s content revamped with assistance of Flick Media content creators. All the changes done in the site’s content will be solely from the SEO perspective. If we are not able to configure your website in that case we will notify the client and the original developer of the site has to fulfill the criteria of the on page optimization directed by our expertise.

Also, the client must give full authority to Flick Media professionals to implementing all the fruitful strategies that are vital to do optimization the best way possible.





Dpz Media World will not be held responsible for any data lose malware attack, hacking and virus infection in to the server. However such an event occur Dpz Media World will act immediately to resolve the issue. Client must allow designated time to resolve such issue accordingly mentioned in our website. In an even of website disappearance due to hacking or virus attack, Dpz Media World will only provide the immediate restore point created automatically for the past 7 days from the time of site disappearance (Subject to flick host, other hosting provider’s restore point may vary according to their terms and condition)


Business performance


Dpz Media World service is limited to the update of the website and its components. Dpz Media World is not responsible for anything affecting the business of the client including drop of sales or profitability that might be claimed is a result of a service offered by Dpz Media World.

Domain and hosting renewal


Dpz Media World will not be responsible for the renewal of domain and hosting on behalf of the client.

Company Rights


All the rights are reserved by Dpz Media World to cancel the contract agreement with the client with immediate effect if it believes the material or the Web Site to be obscene, unfair, untrue or otherwise unworthy of inclusion on the internet. In this respect, the discretion of Flick Media. will be absolute. Also Flick Media. Reserves all right to terminate the contract at any time without prior notice.


Indemnity and Warranties


Dpz Media World must get a guarantee from the client that the website:-

  • Isn’t breaking the Intellectual Property rights of any third party.

  • Is not obscene as per the guidelines of the Obscene Publications Act 1959 or any other related relevant provision.

  • Is not containing any form of corporative advertising that might in breach of the Control of Misleading Advertisements (Amendment) Regulations 2000.

  • Is not in breach of the Defamation Act 1996 or any other relevant provision or statute.

  • Isn’t misguiding the clients with any misleading price comparison otherwise it might be taken against the Consumer Protection Act.

Payment Related Conditions


Refund Policy


In any situation, we don’t initiate refunds at Dpz Media World.


Service Loss


At Dpz Media World, we accept no liability for the service loss, unavailability of the files, data damage, equipment misusage, externally managed equipment or communication device failure. These are all not in control of Dpz Media World.


web maintenence terms




Content must be provided by the client in electronic format (email, cd or dvd) and must comply with the law. Dpz Media World will not be held responsible for any unlawful elements provided by the client. Any content which the client cannot provide (such as stock images, videos, animation, sound clips or illustration and copyrighted content) Dpz Media World may provide the content up on written request of the relevancy of the content and the financial obligation is negotiated with the client and Dpz Media World.


Copyright issue


Dpz Media World will not be responsible for any unlawful activities promoted by the clients company. All the updates made by Dpz Media World will be checked to the perfection; however, this is client’s responsibility to make sure the changes are duly made. Dpz Media World will only accept any obligation within 5 days from the updates is made.










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